Our Products

We create solutions that change paradigms.

Our Products

It is a PaaS that helps to generate Operational Income to Financial Institutions, building customer loyalty through a Benefits Card (physical, virtual or WhatsApp) accessing with the same process: Microcredits, Nanocredits, Assistance Services, Insurance, Benefits Club and Market Place helping in the daily things of the client.

It is a Service, Attention and Sales System which “helps you in everything” you need for your daily life, organizing your day and buy online through the APP, receive pay link by:
– Whatsapp
– Email
– Phone Call
«Ayud@todo» Manage the important things in your life.

PaaS for information management of customer prospects, schedule of visits and management of sales made per month and per year.

Unassisted automatic customer service systems that are implemented in Chat applications such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, Viber, Twitter DM and on client websites through a web widget.

We develop business intelligence applications using Power BI. As a reporting tool, for dashboards and other elements. We train clients in the use of the tool and the use of Power BI’s proprietary DAX language.